William Henderson and B. McGraw talk about taxes in the United States. Why do we have them? What are the different types of taxes? What are the best tax policies? This is part 2 of 2 episodes.
We discuss the tax rate of different income quintiles, both before and after transfer payments. We then discuss the net fiscal contribution each US state makes to the federal government. Next, we go over the tax rates at which government revenue is maximized, as well as the tax rates which maximize GDP growth. Next, we go over ways in which wealthier people evade taxes. We discuss the conceptual framework of corporate vs individual income vs capital gains tax. Wealthier people often avoid capital gains tax by borrowing money using stock as collateral.
We discuss several reform ideas, to include transitioning from a sales tax to a VAT tax, transitioning from property tax to land tax, closing loopholes, and finding better ways to tax capital gains (to include removing step up cost basis).
0:56 Tax rates before and after transfers
8:55 Revenue maximizing tax rate
10:33 Revenue maximizes capital gains tax rate
11:25 GDP growth maximization (Pg 12-14) (2)
14:48 Why wealthy can pay lower taxes (1) (2) (3)
18:05 Corporate tax avoidance
19:12 Capital gains tax
20:30 Real estate
22:13 Reform ideas (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
23:54 VAT tax
This is the Unjerked Podcast!